A panel discussion on three innovative and transformational neighborhood projects that will inspire you! Hear how Fox Cities Habitat adapted their successful Rock the Block program to rural areas; learn about Indiana’s Greater Muncie Habitat’s “Small Sparks” program that funds microprograms created and run by residents; find out how Greater LaCrosse Habitat partners with local community organizations to provide a variety of neighborhood programming with the ReNEW Program, the RSVP Handyman Program, and more.
Webinar Recording
You can view the webinar here.
John Weyenberg, Executive Director, Greater Fox Cities Habitat for Humanity, Menasha, WI
Jena Ashby, Director of Impact & Programs, Greater Muncie Habitat for Humanity, Muncie, IN
Kahya Fox, Executive Director, Greater LaCrosse Habitat for Humanity, LaCrosse, WI