2025 WI HAUS Training Conference
We’ve thrown out our old playbook and come up with a new plan. The 2025 WI HAUS Training Conference will take place in spring in Green Bay, Wisconsin at Lambeau Field!
HFH WI Events
We’ve thrown out our old playbook and come up with a new plan. The 2025 WI HAUS Training Conference will take place in spring in Green Bay, Wisconsin at Lambeau Field!
We’re only a few days away from the conference!
Grow Solar powered by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) new Solar for Humanity initiative is an exciting partnership between Wisconsin Habitat for Humanity affiliates and Focus On Energy (FOE), a Wisconsin energy efficiency program.
Join Habitat for Humanity of Wisconsin on our legislative day at the state capitol. We will have a table in the capitol rotunda, as well as a room for training. Morning training sessions will be from 10am-12:30pm with legislative visits in the afternoon.
Register here !
Affiliates around Wisconsin will celebrate as part of Habitat’s first veteran event celebrating our women veterans.
In lieu of an in-person statewide conference, Habitat Wisconsin is offering a quarterly training series on a variety of topics.
Learn how your affiliate can access funds to support a variety of Veterans Build projects - from volunteer days to home builds. Watch the recording here.
Learn from HFH Northwoods about their successful online auction which raised over $15,000. View recording here.
Medium/Suburban Affiliates
Large/Urban Affiliates
Small/Rural Affiliates
Learn how Fox Valley Technical College created a campus-wide diversity plan, and what steps you can take for your own affiliate, large or small. | Watch the recording.
Learn how your affiliate can utilize USDA programs. Here from staff at HFH Sawyer County, HFH WI River Area, and HFH Adams/Juneau Counties.
Treliant training on anti-money laundering.
Annalise Kaylor, staff photographer and multimedia producer for Habitat For Humanity International, shared her expertise on taking great photos for your affiliate, the importance of “legacy” photos for your regular volunteers, working with pictures taken by others, and other topics. View Recording
To help affiliates develop strong, compelling stories and leverage them for maximum impact, HFH Wisconsin has partnered with HFHI to bring you this training on storytelling and developing effective social media and marketing campaigns. | view recording
Attend this info session about our statewide AmeriCorps VISTA program and how your organization could host a VISTA member this fall.
We are currently assessing the situation, and talking with HFHI about this training. Generously funded by HFHI’s Veteran Build Program, this two-day training will cover basics like event planning, introduce the Vet-Hats project, and even help you maximize the event’s impact for your affiliate.
POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Come together with ReStore staff from around Wisconsin to discuss latest trends and best practices. Hosted by Greater Green Bay HFH at their new store.
The Lead-Safe Homes Program (LSHP), a new program at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, would like to partner with Habitat for Humanity affiliates in Wisconsin to get the lead out of kids’ homes. LSHP can help pay for many of the costs associated with making repairs and fix-ups to older homes to make them lead-safe. | Watch Webinar Recording
This webinar will help you understand how to reduce risk at the affiliate and homeowner levels, as well as what to consider to launch a successful disaster response program that provides real solutions to real needs. | View Recording
Join us as we kick off our Winter Webinar 2020 Series with this workshop all about radon.
This training is for staff members who need to renew their annual QLO Training certificate. Register today.
The 2019 HFH Wisconsin Training Conference will feature a poverty simulation, a build event with HFH Lakeside, and more!
Meet at the Beloit Historical Society and help seniors remove clutter and assist with landscape clean-up in the Hackett Neighborhood. Help seniors and meet new people!
Meet at Summit Park in Beloit and help seniors remove clutter and assist with landscape clean-up in the Merrill Neighborhood. Help seniors and meet new people!
Training retreat for new full-year and summer VISTA members.
Veteran Build is a collection of strategies that enable you to better partner with your local veteran community. Learn how a veteran initiative can increase your affiliate’s capacity and open the door to new funding opportunities.
The agenda for the ReStore Annual Meeting is now available. Check it out and register today!