SSO Staff and volunteers greeted conference attendees Monday morning.

Sara Kierzek Addressed the Group
Sara Kierzek welcomed everyone to the conference during the opening session.

Conference Welcome
SSO Board President Andy Scheiderer addressed conference attendees at the welcoming session.

Andy Welcomes The Group
SSO Board President Andy welcomed the attendees.

Thank You, Mary!
SSO Executive Director Sara Kierzek presented former Board President Mary Vandehey with an award, thanking her for her six years of service on the board.

Thank You, Val!
SSO Executive Director Sara Kierzek presented Board Treasurer Val Renk with an award, thanking her for her six years of service.

Val Addresses the Conference
Board Treasurer Val Renk addresses the conference-goers.

ReStore Session
SSO Board member Mike Mueller of Kohler led a session on marketing.

Balance: Knowing Your Authentic Self
Cassie Schuh led two popular sessions on work/life balance and burnout.

ReStore Inkind Donation Procurement
Rebecca Makowski and Sean Bakken of HFH Dane County discussed soliciting inkind donations for ReStores.

During the networking session, conference goers competed to build the best Lego house. Katie Karls and Emily Arthur from HFH Fond du Lac worked together to build a home.


Sarah Beckman and staff from HFH Lakeside worked together on their Lego creation.

Lego House

Ticket Sale!
VISTA Leader Yemisi Oni sold 50/50 raffle tickets to session presenter Cassie Schuh during the networking hour before dinner.

Reverend Aubree-Lynn and Mike Welch of HFH Builder Blitz build with Legos, while Michael Delarosa (HFHI Veterans Build), Carol Gregory (HFHI Aging in Place), and HFH Fox Cities Executive Director John Weyenberg look on.

Staff of HFH Lakeside, including VISTA member Rachel Lederer, work on a Lego masterpiece.

Lego House


Lego House

HFH Adams & Juneau Counties work on their Lego house.

Lego House

Steve Tennies worked on a Lego creation.

Yemisi Oni sells more 50/50 tickets, this time to HFH La Crosse Executive Director Kahya Fox.

Reverend Aubree-Lynn led everyone in saying grace.

Rev. Aubree-Lynn
Thank you to Rev. Aubree-Lynn for joining us for World Habitat Day.

Lego House

Lego House

Lego Houses

World Habitat Day

Paula Grantt
SSO Board Member Paula Grantt said a few words on behalf of conference sponsor Associated Bank.

Katie Poehling-Seymour
SSO Board member Katie Poehling-Seymour introduced the special guest speakers on behalf of conference sponsor First Supply.

Desert Flippers
Eric and Lindsey Bennett from HGTV’s Desert Flippers spoke about trends in home design and rehabbing houses on a budget.

Desert Flippers
First Supply and Kohler sponsored Eric and Lindsey’s appearance at the conference.

Desert Flippers

Ann Van Dunk Recognized for 20 Years of Service
Eric and Lindsey presented Ann Van Dunk of Milwaukee Habitat with an award, recognizing her 20 years of working with Habitat for Humanity.

Steve Tennies Recognized for 20 Years of Service
Eric and Lindsey presented Steve Tennies of HFH Washington Dodge with an award, recognizing his 20 years of working with Habitat for Humanity.

Steve Baker Recognized for 20 Years of Service
Eric and Lindsey presented Steve Baker of HFH La Crosse with an award, recognizing his 20 years of working with Habitat for Humanity.

John Weyenberg Recognized for 20 Years of Service
Eric and Lindsey presented John Weyenberg of Greater Fox Cities HFH with an award, recognizing his 20 years of working with Habitat for Humanity.

HFH Racine Celebrates 20 Years & 100 Homes
Eric and Lindsey presented HFH Racine with an award, recognizing their 20th anniversary as an affiliate and the completion of their 100th house.

HFH Washington Dodge Celebrates 20 Years
Eric and Lindsey presented Russ Wanta of HFH Washington Dodge with an award, recognizing the affiliate’s 20th anniversary.

Desert Flippers Chose Lego Home Winners
Eric and Lindsey judged the Lego homes and chose the winners.

Desert Flippers Chose Lego Home Winners
Eric and Lindsey judged the Lego homes and chose the winners.

In the end, Eric and Lindsey chose to winning homes. Eric loved the patio on this home.

Eric and Lindsey chose two winning Lego houses. Lindsey admired the architectural daring of this home.

20 Years!
Steve and Ann have both worked for Habitat for 20 years, and spent some of them working together at Milwaukee Habitat.

Generations of Generosity
Matt Randerson of Thrivent spoke about generosity and how different generations define being generous.

Learning About Mortgages
Dan Lynch of Affiliate Mortgage Services led a session on mortgages.

Team Rubicon & Veterans Build
Tuesday was vendor day at the conference.

Thanks, Dan!
SSO VISTA member Dan Nelson took on extra responsibilities at the conference. Thanks, Dan!

Associated Bank
Tuesday was vendor day at the conference.

Stephanie Kelnhofer of USDA
Stephanie Kelnhofer led a session on using USDA programs to fund repairs in rural communities.

Vendor Hall
During the break, conference goers visited vendors.

Breaktime Discussions
VISTA member Emily Horner and Veterans Build specialist Michael Hyacinth during the morning break.

Breaktime Discussions

Mike Grubich Discusses Agile Leadership
Mike Grubich of the L.A.K. Group discussed the different traits needed to be a successful leader.

What is Followership?
VISTA member Rachel Lederer discussed her theory of followership during Mike Grubich’s plenary talk on leadership.

Mike Grubich Discusses Agile Leadership
Mike Grubich of the L.A.K. Group discussed the different traits needed to be a successful leader.

Conference goers met up for one last session to discuss what they’d learned during the conference.

Conference goers met up for one last session to discuss what they’d learned during the conference.

The Osthoff Resort
The Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake was a beautiful location for the WI HAUS Training Conference.