Habitat 2.0: Informing the Path Forward
Learn about the Habitat 2.0 financial model and help shape an important change initiative for the US network. Hear an update on the work of the Habitat 2.0 financial model. The Habitat 2.0 financial model would distribute undesignated revenue to affiliates, establish a network fee structure to support and sustain funding for Habitat in the U.S. and globally, and enhance collaborative fundraising to grow the mission
John Weyenberg, CEO Fox Cities Habitat for Humanity
He is President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity and has been with the organization since 1999. Prior to Habitat for Humanity, Weyenberg graduated from St. Norbert College with a degree in International Economics. He spent time studying and working in London where he assisted immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers to access the British educational system.
After college, Weyenberg spent a year with the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. He received an opportunity to complete a leadership training program through the Harvard Business School for Social Enterprise. Weyenberg was part of the inaugural class of the Executive Social Innovation Leadership Experience organized by Marquette University’s Social Entrepreneurship Initiative.
Weyenberg and his wife, Jennifer, have two children, Will and Natalie.