The goals of this session are to:
Review Frameworks and Tools for Reducing Barriers to Affordable Housing like:
Creating low barrier access to affiliate programs and services.
Expanding Access to Financial Tools and Funding: Learn about targeted subsidies, social impact bonds, individual development accounts, down payment assistance, and loans specifically aimed at underserved groups.
Encouraging Inclusionary Zoning and Land Use Practices: Understand how race-forward approaches can support zoning reforms to increase affordable housing in high-opportunity areas, such as neighborhoods with access to quality schools, public transit, and jobs.
Prioritizing Communities of Opportunity in Site Selection: Select sites that connect residents to essential services and partner with residents in underserved communities to do projects or advocacy to increase opportunity
Sustainable Building and Energy Efficiency: Emphasize equitable environmental practices to reduce energy costs and health risks for residents.
Learning to Promote Race-Forward Housing Approaches in Varied Political Environments
Learn techniques for facilitating courageous conversations and building bridges across diverse viewpoints.
Address NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) concerns constructively.
Hear Case Studies and Success Stories
Review examples of equity-focused processes and projects within the Habitat network.
Share lessons learned from challenges encountered, including insights into how they were addressed and overcome.
TBA - HFHI staff