Governor Evers Declares June 12 Women Veterans Day

Habitat for Humanity of Wisconsin joins Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers in celebrating the contributions of the women veterans who have served in all branches of the United States Armed Forces and who continue to serve as civilians across all sectors. We especially appreciate the veterans who continue to serve their communities through volunteerism.

Below is the text of the proclamation. You can access the official PDF of the proclamation from the Governor’s official website here.

Whereas; this year commemorates the 76th anniversary of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act, which was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on June 12, 1948, and enabled women to serve in all branches of the United States military as permanent, full members; and

Whereas; women have served in every branch and component of the United States Armed Forces-from the Revolutionary War to current conflicts throughout the world-to protect and defend the country's values and ideals and will continue to do so in ever-increasing numbers; and

Whereas; women are the fastest-growing segment of the veteran population, currently making up 10 percent of Wisconsin's veteran population, and are estimated to make up 18 percent of the veteran population in the United States by 2040; and

Whereas; as trailblazers in an environment historically dominated by men, women veterans face a unique set of challenges during and after their service, including increased rates of homelessness, suicide, unemployment, PTSD, and sexual violence as compared to their counterparts who are men; and

Whereas; much more remains to be done to ensure that women in the Armed Forces and women veterans are treated equitably and with the respect they deserve; and

Whereas; having served the nation with courage, loyalty, integrity, and pride, women veterans continue their service as civilians in their families and communities as leaders in business, government, education, healthcare, non-profit sectors, and more; and

Whereas; the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs' (WDVA) Women Veterans Program advocates for, empowers, supports, and highlights the achievements of the state's women veterans through a Woman Veteran of the Year Award, a Woman Veteran Quarterly Impact Award, an annual Women Veterans Retreat, trailblazer articles, women wellness events, the Wisconsin Veterans Museum's women veterans oral history archive, and the "She Is a Veteran" outreach campaign; and

Whereas; today and every day, the state of Wisconsin joins WDVA and all Wisconsinites in commending the dedication, resilience, and perseverance of women veterans and the many sacrifices made by them and their families in service to the country;

Now therefore, I, Tony Evers, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, do hereby proclaim June 12, 2024, as


throughout the State of Wisconsin, and I commend this observance

to all our state's residents.