Building capacity. Building futures.

Our AmeriCorps VISTA program is now in its eighth year, and we’re expanding our program beyond Habitat for Humanity affiliates. We’re looking to partner with other Wisconsin nonprofits working to alleviate poverty.

Full-Year VISTA Positions | Starting June 2, 2025

Positions are being posted as they are finalized. Recruiting happens on a rolling basis, so apply today!

In 2025, we plan to have VISTA opportunities available in La Crosse, Milwaukee, Wausau, and West Bend, and hope to add more locations. Project areas will include fundraising, community outreach, volunteer program development, and more.

***positions are posted as they become available.***

Summer VISTA

Serve as an AmeriCorps member for 8, 9 or 10 weeks.

Due to federal budget cuts, the AmeriCorps Summer VISTA program is unavailable in 2025.

Questions? If you’d like more information about AmeriCorps or any of these positions, please contact Jenny Hartwell, HFH WI VISTA Program Director.